I'm fortunate to meet a lot of interesting people while working in tech. Some of them have good stories to share. And some of them are just downright fascinating to me.
So I've decided to interview the most interesting people I've come across in technology, fashion and entertainment. And share it here on my blog when I can.
The purpose of these interviews is to illuminate an aspect of my guest that most people don't already know.
If appropriate, I also throw in a few questions about style and wardrobe choices because...I get to. It's my blog. Part of why I may find my guests interesting is because their style has made an impression on me. More than likely, I probably have admired it from afar.
When the idea about these interviews hatched, it was my luck that my friend Dennis Mortensen was visiting SF. For the last few years, Dennis and his team at x.ai have been working on AI powered personal assistants that help take the pain of email ping pong out of scheduling meetings.
In the backseat of my car, we talk about where the idea came from and how people are responding to Amy today.
For the record, I've been testing Amy out for the last few months and my clients wig out when they discover she's not human. Amy has helped me tackle the back and forth emails it usually takes to schedule a call, saving me hours of my human time. And Amy only gets smarter with my preferences the more I use her.
It was apropos that when the idea for this interview came up, I had Amy set the meeting up with Dennis who also uses Amy. So Amy is now interacting with...herself. A little trippy? Yes. But every little curveball I tried to confuse her with, she never faltered. She passed my Turing test.
Try Amy out yourself. Get on the waitlist now.